
Me leaning against a wall, trying to look like I do this sort of thing all the time.

Kit Yates is a Professor of Mathematical Biology and Public Engagement in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and co-director of the Centre for Mathematical Biology at the University of Bath. He completed his PhD in Mathematics at the University of Oxford in 2011.

His research demonstrates that mathematics can be used to describe all sorts of real-world phenomena: from embryo formation to locust swarming and from sleeping sickness to egg-shell patterning. He is particularly interested in the role that randomness plays in Biology. His research into Mathematical Biology has been covered by the BBC, the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Daily Mail, RTE, Scientific American and Reuters amongst others.

Along side his academic position, Kit is also an author and science communicator. His first book, “The Maths of Life and Death“, was published in 2019 and has since been translated into 25 languages. His second book “How to Expect the Unexpected” is released on July 6th 2023.

Kit writes a regular piece for the independent on mathematics in the real world. His writing about the enjoyment and ubiquity of Mathematics has also appeared in the Guardian, the Times, the Huffington Post, the i, the independent, the Daily Mail, and popular science publications such as Scientific American and IFLscience as well as having over 6 million reads on the Conversation. Kit sets real-world-based mathematical puzzles which have appeared in a range of newspapers, on tube adverts and on the radio. He has also made appearances on Panorama, More or Less, BBC News, Bang goes the theory, BBC Inside Science, Sky News, Numberphile  and even on Watchdog.

He also shares his enthusiasm and love of  Mathematics in keynote speeches at conferences,  festivals as well as schools and workshops as part of his role as widening participation, outreach and engagement officer at the University of Bath.

You can find Kit on twitter: @Kit_Yates_Maths

If you’d like Kit to come and give a talk please contact his agent Chris Wellbelove.

Day Job

I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and co-director of the Centre for Mathematical Biology at the University of Bath.

I am also the department’s widening participation, outreach and engagement officer.


Member of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA).

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Member of the European Society for Theoretical ad Mathematical Biology.

Member of the London Mathematical Society.

Prizes and Grants and Awards

Receiving the Faculty of Science teaching award from the Dean, Professor Nick Brook

2024 – Winner of the Royal Statistical Society’s “Best statistical commentary by a non-journalist” award.

2024 – Runner up in the University of Bath Vice-Chancellor’s Outreach Awards (Dedication).

2023 – Highly commended in the Royal Statistical Society’s “Best statistical commentary by a non-journalist” award.

2021 – Highly commended in The Conversation’s “Sir Paul Curran” award for academic communication.

2019 – The Maths of Life and Death named a Sunday Times science book of the year.

2018 – Faculty of Science Teaching award in recognition of teaching excellence in the faculty

2017 – Mathematics staff award for best teaching of an applied module.

2016 – London Mathematical Society celebrating new appointments grant.

Giving my winning presentation at 2016’s Engage event.

2016 – Winner of the University of Bath Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement with Research (see picture, above). Read more about the event here and watch my talk here.

2016 – BBSRC STARS grant for the REP-MB (Research experience placements in Mathematical Biology) programme. 12 Mathematical Biology Summer internships spread over 3 years.

2015 – LMS research in pairs grant.

2015 – Runner up in the University of Bath Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement with Research.

2014 – Silver award in the Mathematics section of the national ‘SET for Britain’ poster competition (see picture, below).

Receiving the Silver award From Sir Adrian Smith (left) and the right Honourabe Andrew Smith MP (Right) with Stephen Benn (background).

2013 – Nuffield/LMS Undergraduate Research Grant. Stipend for undergraduate student to work on an 8 week modelling project.

2013 – Poster prize at the European Society for Pigment Cell Research.

2013 – The Distinguished Old Waconian (Young Alumnus) Award (for services to mathematical outreach).

2012 – ESMTB Reinhart-Heinrich Doctoral Thesis Award (runner up).

2009-2011 – Leathersellers’ Scholarship (St Catherine’s College) – For academic achievement.

2009-2011 – Martin Senior Scholarship (Worcester College)- For academic achievement. (Declined)

2009 – SIAM Student Travel Award – $650 – To present a paper at a SIAM conference on dynamical systems in Utah, USA.

2009 – Worcester College Academic Travel Grant – £300 – For the above conference.

2008 – Inaugural Microsoft Research European Science Initiative Award – For the best short project in the Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre, Oxford.

2007 – The Nuclear Electric Prize – For attaining the highest marks in the year in the Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing MSc, Oxford.

2006 – Mary Somerville Prize – For obtaining a first in mathematics finals.

The back story

I completed my DPhil in Mathematical/Systems Biology in October 2011 under the supervision of Professor Philip Maini, Dr Ruth Baker and Dr Radek Erban. I was the first graduate of the Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre.
I then spent 3 years as a Junior Research Fellow at Christ Church, Oxford, based day-to-day at the Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology, which is part of the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford. I am also an alumnus of the 2020 science programme.

Seeing the world through a mathematical lens